Why ? Kosmo Education is the Destiny of Teachers Education Centers ?

Dear aspirant, let me start by saying that you have our respect for choosing D. ED, B. ED or M. ED out of other plethora of courses as you have decided to make this society a better place to live in. You saw what many of us fail to see even today. From here on it doesn’t matter to us wherever you are going or if you choose KOSMO or not as like you we think of the world and we will have the best wishes for you as Helen Caldecott aptly said – “Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of the society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth’.

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How ? We are the best B. Ed / M. Ed Admission center in Delhi.

‘The destiny of the country is being shaped in the classrooms’ is not a mere rhetoric. This focuses on the crucial role; the teaching community is expected to play in making education qualitative. It is now well-recognized that the most important single factor for the quality of education and thus for the efficiency and quality of the pupils’ learning is the quality of the teachers’ training. Hence considerable thought and attention have been given to teacher education by all societies throughout the world. Decades ago, developing subject matter competency and pruning teaching skills in a specific subject was the prime objective of teacher training programs. But with the advent of globalization and the increasing convergence of digital technologies, educational practices have undergone tremendous changes throughout the world to meet the challenges brought about by this new landscape. 

How ? We prepare Teachers for 21st Century.

The teacher of today is not just one who can teach a specific subject, but one who possess the skills and competencies needed for the 21st century to transact the content and teaching not just a local student but even to a student residing in the remotest corner of the world with widely varying interests and abilities. In short, teacher education has to function as a professional learning under a global canvas.

This requires an education system that adopts a holistic approach to developing the whole person and his or her full potential. To ensure quality in a changing scenario and to keep at par with national and global requirements and to keep in pace with national norms, a revision of the current B.Ed. curriculum became imperative. The prime objective of this revision, as done in the earlier revision, was to mould a Curriculum to equip in prospective teachers the knowledge, skills, attitude, competence and commitment to face the challenges of the 21st century.

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We at KOSMO EDUCATION want you to be yourself and so that you can devise your own plans and devise your own strategy as we believe to train future leaders you have to be a leader first yourself and for that you will have to learn today to lead tomorrow.

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