How to Be a Smart Teacher Move to Prepare for Teaching Profession?

B.ed Institute in Delhi

Teaching is all about exciting and interesting students to understand and go beyond their potentials. The greatest teachers devoted the majority of their time inspiring and empowering their students to accomplish great things and nature as good human beings. How Read more…

Kosmo Education: A Name stands out as the Best B. Ed Admission Institute in Delhi.

How to Secure Admission in the Best B.Ed. College in Delhi Many students aspire to become good teachers in their lives. They desire to teach junior boys or secondary level students after completing their graduation. Completing a 2-year B. Ed. Read more…

Why Choose Best B. Ed Institute In Delhi Kosmo Education?

b.ed institute in delhi

How to Make a Smart Career Move to Prepare for Teaching Profession? B.Ed. stands for Bachelor of Education, an undergraduate academic course that is essential to complete for the profession of teaching. A teacher gets immense respect from society and Read more…

Why B .ED matters coupled with good institution

Being a teacher is not just a profession; it’s a dream that most children want to fulfil when they grow up. It is considered one of the crucial ways to apply knowledge, skills and provide special service to meet the Read more…

MDU/IGU Fresh session admissions 2021-22 started

Why MDU/IGU matters Most of us want the credibility in our lives as it gives trust to the people around us personally as well as well professionally and that’s a basic human nature and that’s why we search for those Read more…

Get enroll for B. ED Course without any entrance test

bed admission 2021

Why B .ED B . ED is one if the most sought after courses in the country and students from all over the country are flocking to get enrolled in as it is one of the few jobs that pays Read more…

MDU/IGU declare B. ED admission opening

Character is the equalizer that extends across all ranks. It encourages common and simple standards of behavior in the way that we apply our respective knowledge. In a complex world, we look for something familiar to help us judge who Read more…

MDU BED admissions for 2021-22 Apply Admission or Book Your Seat for Free Counselling with Kosmo Education.

Maharishi Dayanand University is what you think of when you want to bank on legacy of those institutions which have helped India from time that they have been established. This institution doesn’t need an introduction of where it is and Read more…

Benefits of B.ed | M.ed with Kosmo Education.

Get Direct Admission in B.ed (2)

Why B. Ed/M. Ed If you are interested in teaching you don’t only know the importance of education you know it’s the best way to stay up to date with the new standards and trends of the ever-changing world. We Read more…

Last date of admissions for B.Ed/M.Ed.

B ed, d.ed institute

If you are interested in teaching and see world from a eyes of a contemporary guru, a leader who not only teaches but leads the way for betterment of the country then look nowhere else cause we at KOSMO invite Read more…