Noble thought
We have always been taught that time is money because the more of former you have the better you will become, just like the games that we played so much that we had all the levels in our heart and could literarily play it without opening our eyes. There was a reason that we were so good at It and that reason was time. Coming back to the crux of the article we all know that at this stage we don’t have much of a time left if we talk about our academia and if you are reading this in any form whatsoever there is a high chance that you see yourself as a harbinger of education in the society and wat to dedicate your future for it and we at KOSMO deeply respect this noble thought but another hard truth that we all have is the deadline or B. ED admission 2021 last date approaching soon. We at the KOSMO education group believes that it all started with a noble thought followed by the first step.
First step
Congratulations on bearing with us till here and let me thank you again for investing your time with us and since you have already taken a noble thought, I would like you to take the first step as soon as possible because we are already low on time and since the seats are lest us just say numbered and since it’s the Delhi NCR, we are striving for you, you my friend need to be on your toes cause the admission process has already started and B. ED admission 2021 last date approaching soon and since we are not an educational institution but a full-fledged consultation firm which has only one motto and that is to get you placed in Delhi NCR we know the hardships associated with it better then anyone else in the competition.
Why we need to hurry
As discussed earlier Delhi NCR is always in the heat of education irrespective of any field and if you have chosen a reputed one as B. ED you need to pull your socks up and grab every opportunity that you have in front of you. Since we are a consultation firm, we know what it’s like when students from all over the country apply in different educational institutions but fail miserably because of our beloved education system that you my friend are striving to improve. Our reports suggest that seats are being filled at a very high rate and since this year we also have covid trying to misbalance our equation even we as a consultation firm are finding it difficult to equate all the variables and that is why we want you to take the first step urgently cause amidst all these variables there is one constant and that is B. ED admission 2021 last date approaching soon.